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shot in the dark

美 [ʃɑːt ɪn ðə dɑːrk]英 [ʃɒt ɪn ðə dɑːk]
  • 网络在黑暗中拍摄;黑夜一击
shot in the darkshot in the dark
  1. The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark .


  2. We had nothing to go by . It was a shot in the dark , but it turned out right .


  3. It 's hard to know exactly what to do & we 'll just have to take a shot in the dark .


  4. Jane 's attempt to find her lost ring in the long grass was just a shot in the dark .


  5. Well , like I said , it is a shot in the dark


  6. My answer to the last question was a complete shot in the dark .


  7. Mark : Well , I 'd rather not take a shot in the dark .


  8. In essence , even our best attempts are nothing more than a shot in the dark .


  9. That was a shot in the dark .


  10. Yeah , how can you possibly know about the drinking ? Shot in the dark .


  11. I 'll go fill up my water bottle and you get ready to take a shot in the dark .


  12. It was just a shot in the dark . I had no idea I was exactly correct .


  13. It was just a shot in the dark , but I got the right answer to the teacher 's question .


  14. It is easy to parry a spear thrust in the open , but hard to dodge an arrow shot in the dark .


  15. Some chefs and food lovers describe the experiment with sake as a shot in the dark , but for brewers , the challenge is more urgent .


  16. Jane 's attempt to find her lost ring in the long grass was just a shot in the dark , and nobody was surprised when she failed to find it .


  17. As Comrade Liu Shaoqi has said in his report , this draft resolution is not a shot in the dark but is based on concrete facts and directed at specific targets .


  18. I don 't have any reliable numbers for global mole population ( or small mammal biomass in general ) , but we 'll take a shot in the dark and estimate that there are at least a few dozen mice , rats , voles , and other small mammals for every human .
